For Amalgam / Metal
An ideal assortment of abrasives impregnated with polishing compounds to provide fast and brilliant results on Amalgam restorations without pumice or tin oxide.
- These autoclavable silicone polishers have a long track record and are well known for their efficiency and durability
Recommended average speed:
Brownie, Greenie & Supergreenie Polishers: 5,000 – 7,000 rpm / max. 30,000 rpm
The Kit CA [REF 0308] / FG [REF 0309] contains:
- 3 each Brownie Cups & Midi-Points – for pre-polishing
- 2 each Greenie Cups & Midi-Points – for polishing
- 1 each Supergreenie Cup & Midi-Point – for super polishing
Instructions for use
- Amalgam Polishing Kit

- Cleaning & Sterilization of Rotary Instruments

Safety Data Sheets
- Brownie • Greenie • Supergreenie // Version 9