Premixed Bioceramic Endodontic Materials
TotalFill® is a pre-mixed bioceramic obturation material. It is dispensed using a syringe in cases of root canal obturation and with either a syringe or as a putty when doing root repair and retrograde fillings.
TotalFill® BC RRM™
The TotalFill BC RRM repair material comes in 3 specially formulated consistencies: as a paste (syringe 1 g), a Putty (jar 2.5g) or a Fast Set Putty (syringe 0,3 g).
The RRM is highly resistant to washout and ideal for all types of root repair and pulp capping treatments.
Easy to handle, robust and with a shortened set time (only 20 min for the Fast Set Putty), it is also highly biocompatible and osteogenic.
- Excellent biocompatibility
- Bioactive and Osteogenic
- Hydrophilic
- Antibacterial (pH >12)
- No discoloration
Indications for use
- Pulp capping
- Root Perforation
- Apexification
- Retrofilling