Affinity Quick Bite Performance. Unparalleled Accuracy. AFFINITY™ Hydroactive Impression Material is your surest step toward consistently accurate impressions. Among its many virtues are independent working and set times that in the end reduce the overall procedure time, excellent physical properties that aid in both the accuracy and predictability of the material’s performance, and a variety of viscosities for your preferred impressioning technique. All this, because of a unique 3rd generation chemistry.
What is 3rd Generation Chemistry? 
Found only in AFFINI TY, this advanced chemistry features a hydroactive surfactant that is grafted to a branched resin. The consistent distribution of resin throughout the material gives AFFINITY greater accuracy, and several other clear advantages over other materials: • Enhanced hydrophilicity for excellent performance in the presence of moisture, especially with subgingival preparations. • Matched fluid states between the tray and wash materials to better capture the preparation site. • 100% cure, which translates to high tear strength and dimensional stability. Previous generation materials have a surfactant, of course, but it is ungrafted, preventing a complete cure and compromising physical properties.
Working and Set Times That Work For You No matter how much working time you use, 3rd generation AFFINITY’s set time is always less than 3:00 minutes. Why? The working time is independent from the set time. That means you can use as much of the 1:45 minute working time as you need, place the material intraorally, then set your timer for 3:00 minutes. No need to add the unused working time to the set time like you have to do with previous generation materials! In addition to lessening patient discomfort and the possibility of gagging, a faster intraoral set time helps prevent distortion, as there is far less opportunity for tray/material disruption, which can occur when a patient swallows, or is in discomfort. For single preparation impressions, try our fast set formula in four viscosities. You’ll get 1:10 minutes of working time and a less than 2:00 minute set time. And the same principle holds true – use only what you need of the working time; the set time never changes.
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