Establish nasal breathing and habit correction
The KS2 focuses on establishing nasal breathing and correcting myofunctional disorders in children who are mouth breathers and have poor myofunctional habits. It is used in the mixed dentition stage and has small breathing holes to establish nasal breathing and myofunctional features to promote correct habits. Upon correction of breathing and myofunctional disorders, the patient may progress to The Myobrace® System to focus on myofunctional orthodontic treatment, designed to improve orthodontic problems for further habit correction.
Directions for Use
The Myosa® appliance is to be used for one to two hours each day, plus overnight while sleeping. The patient's teeth may become slightly sensitive in the early stages of treatment. This is quite normal, however, if pain becomes excessive, decrease application time with the aim to build it back up once the appliance is accustomed to and sensitivity subsides. The Myosa® appliance may change the position of the teeth and jaws, however, the flexibility of the appliance minimises this potential.