ConveXi-T™ Convex Tofflemire™ Matrix Bands are pre-contoured buccal/lingually and occlusal/gingivally and are available in two options. The original ConveXi-T matrix bands are 0.025 mm thin and are dead soft, allowing them to be further contoured if necessary. The new ConveXi-T s2 (stainless steel) matrix bands are slightly more rigid at 0.040mm thick, facilitating easy placement when preparations are tight – even having the ability to push through a partially closed preparation. Both options will provide a tighter and more naturally contoured contact with your Class ii restorations. Both versions of ConveXi-T matrix bands, available in widths of 5.5mm and 6.3mm, facilitate the creation of interproximal contours necessary to recreate the contact areas and natural convex anatomy of the interproximal area. When used with a Contact Pro Plus to adapt and cure composite resins in Class ii restorations, proper contact and contour are ensured.
Please note Now sold in 4x packets of 30
Supplier Link Product Sheet CONVEXI-T Convex Tofflemire Matrix Bands 0.025mm thin •#
CC206101 6.3mm 100-pack •#
CC206102 5.5mm 100-pack CONVEXI-T S2 Matrix Bands 0.04mm thin •#
CC206103 6.3mm 100-pack •#
CC206104 5.5mm 100-pack"